Cosmetology School: Becoming a Cosmetologist

Looking for a Cosmetology School to obtain a career in the beauty industry? Many Cosmetology schools are not created equal. Find a Cosmetology school that prepares you to take the exams needed to get your Cosmetology license in the state you are getting your education and working in.

What is a Cosmetologist?

Cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatment. Specialties in Cosmetology include hairstyling, skin care, cosmetics, manicures/pedicures, and non-permanent hair removal (waxing or electrology).

According to the Florida Board of Cosmetology, A “cosmetologist” means a person who is licensed to engage in the practice of cosmetology which includes the mechanical or chemical treatment of the head, face, and scalp for aesthetic rather than medical purposes, including, but not limited to, hair shampooing, hair cutting, hair arranging, hair coloring, permanent waving, hair relaxing, hair removing, pedicuring, and manicuring, for compensation.

Facial – the massaging or treating of the face or scalp with oils, creams, lotions, or other preparations.

Manicure or Pedicure – the cutting, polishing, tinting, coloring, cleansing, adding, or extending of the nails, and massaging of the hands and feet.

Shampooing – the washing of the hair with soap and water, or with a special preparation, or applying hair tonics.

Hair Braiding – the practice of weaving or interweaving natural human hair for compensation without cutting, coloring, permanent waving, relaxing, removing, or chemical treatment and does not include the use of hair extensions or wefts.

Hair Wrapping – the practice of wrapping manufactured materials around a strand or strands of human hair, for compensation, without cutting, coloring, permanent waving, relaxing, removing, weaving, chemically treating, braiding, using hair extensions, or performing any other service defined as cosmetology.

Skills to Become a Successful Cosmetologist

Cosmetologists employ a variety of skills while working with clients. Cosmetologists need to have the technical skills to perform a wide range of beauty treatments, the creative skills and vision to identify what each individual client needs and the people skills to effectively communicate with customers.

Creativity – Cosmetologists must have a sense of creativity to think of new and different ways to style hair, apply makeup and perform cosmetology procedures.

Customer Service – Cosmetologist spend most of their time with customers so good people skills are important. They must have great customer service skills to retain and gain new clients through word of mouth.

Technical Skills – Education in technical skills include hair cutting, styling and coloring. Cosmetologist must also be good at multiple disciplines including using scissors, brushes, files and other cosmetology equipment.

Stamina – The Cosmetologist stands most of the day so stamina is an important skill. Cosmetologists will also do repetitive movements including blow-drying and brushing hair.

Dexterity – Cosmetologists need to make calculated, coordinated movements while styling and cutting hair. They must be able to perform intricate maneuvers for extended periods of time.

Cosmetology Exam & Licensing

All 50 states require cosmetology students to pass a minimum requirements examination to be licensed. Upon completion of your beauty school program, states require you to take a state board examination or multiple exams in order to obtain your cosmetology license or specialty permit.

In Florida, the Board of Cosmetology administers your license after you pass their required exams. The Cosmetology exam consists of two examinations; Written Theory & Written Clinical. The written theory exam consists of general safety and sanitation procedures, client services, facials, make-up and hair removal, manicuring and pedicuring, legal and ethical sections, & laws and rules. The written clinical exam consists of hair coloring and lightening, permanent waving and chemical relaxing, scalp and hair care, hair cutting, & hair styling.

Meridian College offers Cosmetology training in Florida that prepares you to deliver high–quality beauty and hair services to both men and women. Meridian College’s hands–on Cosmetology training program gives you the skills you need to start an exciting career and become a leader in the beauty industry.