Best Ways to Protect Your Hair and Skin from Sun Damage

Summer is now upon us, and the sun is brighter than ever. Although there are a lot of great things that the sun gives, it can also be harsh on our skin and hair. It is good to get the most out of the benefits from sunlight without suffering from the negative aspects of sunlight like sun damage.


What are the Benefits of Sunlight?

Every person should get some sun light and depending on your skin tone, you may need to use suntan lotion, wear a hat or wear sun protective clothing. While the sun can be harsh, there are a lot of benefits to the sun that you shouldn’t forget about. These benefits include:

Vitamin D

The sun’s UV rays help our body’s make Vitamin D to support minerals like calcium and phosphorus. These nutrients are important for healthy bones and blood cells. Vitamin D is also important for our immune systems and can help reduce the risk of many illnesses and infections.

Better Sleep

For those of us that deal with insomnia or have a tough time going to sleep, the sun can help acclimate our sleep cycle. Ever been to parts of Alaska where it is bright for 6 months out of the year and dark for the other half of the year? This extreme climate can cause even the deepest sleepers to experience some insomnia. Why do we need sun? The sun helps us create melatonin that supports our sleep.

Reduction in Stress

The increase in melatonin levels can help lower stress. Additionally, when we are outside, we tend to be active and get exercise. This increased activity in addition to higher levels of melatonin can help reduce stress.

How Can Sun Damage Skin and Hair?

There are many benefits to sun but there are also issues with prolonged exposure to sun. This damage can occur with our skin and hair.

Skin Sun Damage

Our skin is the last line of defense against the sun. It is the biggest organ on our bodies and helps protect us from outside forces that are harmful to our bodies. One such outside force is the sun. Too much sun can cause damage to our skin. From wrinkles, sunspots and freckles to sun burns and skin cancer, the sun has many benefits but too much is bad for skin health.

Wrinkles – in addition to the sun drying out the skin, squinting can cause wrinkles around our eyes and on our foreheads. Whether you use wrinkle cream or not, it is always good to wear sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat, so your eyes are not subject to excessive sun.

Sunspots or Freckles – increased exposure to the sun can cause solar lentigo or freckles. This occurs with the exposure of UV rays that can produce melanin and cause the skin’s pigment to darken. These sunspots can appear on the face, shoulders, back or back of the hands.

Sunburns – the skin’s response to UV rays, sunburns can happen to those with lighter skin tone in as little as minutes. Sunburned skin will become red and start to lose moisture and hydration. The skin cells will thicken and become darker in an effort to stop the UV rays from penetrating deeper layers of the skin. In extreme cases of sunburn, the skin will peel off to get rid of dead cells.

Skin Cancer – there are a few common types of skin cancer including basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, Merkel cell cancer and squamous cell carcinoma, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma – most skin cancer will develop from the basal cell. Basal cells are most often found on the head and neck. This type of skin cancer is caused by sun exposure, grows slowly, however rarely spreads to other parts of the body.
  • Melanoma – melanocytes are located where the epidermis meets the dermis. Melanocytes produce the skin’s pigment melanin, giving it color. Melanoma starts in melanocytes as a result of excessive exposure to UV rays.
  • Merkel Cell Cancer – an aggressive but rare form of skin cancer. Found beneath the skin and hair follicles, the hormone-producing cells are typically found on the head and neck.
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma – most of the skin’s epidermis is flat and has squamous cells. This skin cancer can be developed after skin is burned, damaged by chemicals or exposed to x-rays.

Hair Sun Damage

Those with light hair are even more vulnerable to sun damage. Lighter hair lacks the pigment to protect it from the sun while darker, oilier hair offers a natural thickness to help protect it from sun damage. Increased exposure to the sun can cause damage to the cuticle of the hair from UVA and UVB rays. This damage can cause hair to become discolored, dry, brittle, broken, thinner or frizzy. The sun can also burn the scalp, causing irritation or flaking. Excess exposure to the sun on the scalp can cause cell change and lead to skin cancer in extreme cases.

What are Some of the Best Ways to Protect Your Hair and Skin from Sun Damage?

Our bodies naturally protect us from the sun. Those in a sunnier climate will have naturally darker skin tones. The increased melanin in a darker skin tone can protect us from the sun. Our body even grows hair, especially on our face and head to protect us from the harshness of the sun. However, our skin is the ultimate barrier to the sun and where most of the damage from the sun may occur. From wrinkles, sunspots and freckles to the worst-case scenario of skin cancer. If you want to help out your body’s natural defenses to the sun, there are many things you can do to help. They include:

Suntan Lotion

Our best invention to stop sun damage is suntan lotion. There are different types of suntan lotions in different strengths. Consult your doctor to understand what level of SPF you should use for your skin tone. There are also new types of suntan lotion that are waterproof for those days at the beach or swimming at the pool. There are also many different types of makeup that offer suntan lotion protection. Why not look good at the same time you are stopping sun damage?

Wearing a Wide Brimmed Hat

If you go to the beach, you may see many people wearing wide brimmed hats. Some may also wear ball caps or sun visors while subjected to the harshness of the sun. For those that have thinning hair or freckles on their face, a hat can stop sun damage on the scalp, around the eyes and over the face and neck. Some may also prefer wearing a scarf around the hair in leu of a wide-brimmed hat.

Wearing Sun Protective Clothes

If you are going to be in the sun, maybe working outside in the garden or on a construction site, it is important to wear sun protective clothes. Sun protected clothing helps absorb or block the UV rays that cause sun damage and helps protect your body like a sunscreen.

Using an Umbrella

If you are going to be outside on the patio, at the beach or even walking down a path, it is important to stay in the shade and an umbrella can help. An umbrella can offer a haven from the sun and help protect you from sun damage.

Avoiding Peak Sun Hours

The sun is brightest around mid-day in most parts of the world. We have devised a time zones that help us set our watches to the suns position in the sky. Avoiding the brightest times of the day will minimize the amount of sun your body will endure. It is however important to note that the sun can also shower us with UV rays even on a cloudy day. Don’t be fooled, the sun can cause damage even when you can’t see it in the sky.

Final Thoughts

There are many benefits to sun light, but we must also understand how it can damage our hair and skin. Taking the right precautions can save us from the many issues that are caused by excessive exposure to the sun. If this interests you, you may be interested in learning more about Cosmetology. Our program not only focuses on hair styling and cutting but also proper hair hygiene and how to perform facials. Your clients may even come to you with questions about protecting their hair and skin from sun damage. Gain this important knowledge about hair and skin and help your clients at the same time.

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