How Do I Get a Job as a Hairdresser?

What does it take to become a professional hairdresser? This highly creative, technical career path requires a special kind of dedication. Professional hairdressers go through specialized training and certification to provide quality, safe services for their clients in a variety of settings. The pride and satisfaction that come from being a professional hairdresser make this an attractive option for someone seeking a career path that offers flexibility, consistency, and a sense of purpose. How do you go from wanting to be a hairdresser to actually being in a position to apply for hairdressing jobs for the first time?

How Do I Get a Job as a Hairdresser?

The process of getting a job as a hairdresser begins long before the first application is submitted to an employer. That’s because salons, spas, and other employers will only consider candidates with the right education and certification. These credentials can be obtained by attending a cosmetology program at a vocational school. While you may have natural skills for styling hair, salons cannot legally employ you based on raw talent alone. They are required to do background checks to verify that all job applicants possess the credentials that are required on a state level. The truth is that even the most talented “amateur” hairdresser has much to gain by enrolling in cosmetology school.

Hairdresser programs offered by vocational schools provide students with everything they need to succeed in this field. That includes both technical and business-focused skills. In addition, hairdressers are trained to use hygienic and sanitary processes that protect the health and safety of clients. Here’s a look at common skills and topics covered throughout the course of a cosmetology degree program:

  • Technical Skills: Braiding, styling, finishing, perming, smoothing, coloring, lightening, haircutting, manicure, pedicure, facials, makeup application, and product expertise.
  • Practical Skills: Practicing skills in salon-like environments under the supervision of industry leaders.
  • Personal Development: Working independently under the supervision of industry leaders to get in position to develop your career, prepare a portfolio, and pass state board tests.

Cosmetology students studying to become professional hairdressers get the benefit of working in “clinical” classroom environments that expose them to the real-world pace of salon work. In addition to learning all of the skills needed to provide clients with in-demand services, students are also trained in the specifics of operating a successful business. They learn about setting goals, collaborating with other salon employees, accelerating client bookings, managing vendors, ordering products, selling products, spearheading salon marketing, and operating guest services. Students are on a journey of refining their skills from the moment they step foot inside a classroom.

Why Do I Need to Attend a Cosmetology Program?

It’s obvious to see why anyone with aspirations for becoming a professional hairdresser can benefit from attending a cosmetology program. The truth is that getting expert-level training is the only way to be competitive in this field. When applying for jobs, you will be up against applicants who have graduated from cosmetology programs. However, the reason to attend a cosmetology program isn’t just that a program provides you with a professional edge. A license is needed to legally perform cosmetology in Florida. The requirement for a license is a cosmetology diploma that is backed by the hands-on experience gained in an accredited cosmetology program. That means anyone who has not graduated from a cosmetology program in Florida is automatically disqualified from performing as a professional cosmetologist.

After graduating from a cosmetology program, a future hairdresser simply needs to register to sit for the Florida cosmetology license exam. Applicants must complete 1,200 school hours in a cosmetology program prior to qualifying for the exam. Students who don’t pass the exam the first time are required to schedule another exam within two years of the original exam attempt.

What Jobs Are Available for Hairdressers?

A cosmetology degree opens up a world of professional options for graduates. While your goal today may be to become a top local hairdresser, the truth is that you are far from limited when it comes to exploring your true passion within the cosmetology field. That’s because a cosmetology degree isn’t just a hairdressing degree. During a cosmetology program, students are trained in the technical aspects of performing services related to hair, skin, nails, and makeup. That essentially makes you an aesthetics “generalist” after graduation. For many people, a hairdresser is also a default style expert, product expert, and hair “rescue” expert.

As a licensed cosmetologist in Florida, you have the option to work solely as a hairdresser, combine hairdressing with another service, or offer a full range of beauty services. Yes, that means having the freedom to build your career around what’s in demand, what you enjoy doing, and what offers the most lucrative way of running your career at any point in time. Here’s a rundown of what your career might look like once you choose a specialty:

  • Hairdresser
  • Hair coloring
  • Shampooing
  • Manicure/pedicure
  • Beauty and makeup
  • Facials

While many people choose to work at salons or spas after graduating from cosmetology school, there’s no need to feel limited to a traditional career path. Something that attracts people to the cosmetology field is the freedom to “work for yourself.” A cosmetology degree makes it possible to open your own salon. While owning a salon is a business venture, it’s actually impossible to hold a business license for a salon unless you already possess a valid cosmetology license. That’s why enrolling in a cosmetology program is the first step to becoming a business owner if you have the dream of one day opening your own salon. For those who prefer even more flexibility in their work-life balance, a cosmetology degree can be a gateway to freelance work. Many licensed cosmetologists offer appointments in their own homes based on their own schedules.

All Hairdressers Start in the Same Place

There’s simply no skipping to the front of the line as a hairdresser without the right diploma. Spa and salon owners cannot hire applicants based on talent, drive, and passion alone. A cosmetology diploma is required to be employed as a professional hairdresser. Even a person with dreams of opening a salon need to have a valid cosmetology license to operate that business. Fortunately, enrolling in an accredited school is an easy, rewarding step that opens up an exciting professional world. The fact that a cosmetology program can be completed in a matter of months means that the process of getting to the point of applying for jobs as a hairdresser in Florida moves at a rapid pace.

Want to Learn More?

Are you ready to enjoy the many opportunities available in cosmetology? Meridian College offers a Cosmetology training program in Florida that prepares you to deliver high–quality beauty and hair services to both men and women. Their hands–on Cosmetology training program gives you the skills you need to start an exciting career and become a leader in the beauty industry.

Contact Meridian College today to learn more about becoming a cosmetologist.