What are Some Careers in Cosmetology?

Are you looking to start a new career and want to do something both rewarding and challenging? You may be interested in cosmetology. A cosmetologist works on a client’s hair, skin, and nails. There are many careers available for graduates of a cosmetology program. These careers include hairstylist, nail technician, esthetician, makeup artist, and cosmetics.

Careers in Cosmetology

Are you thinking about attending cosmetology school? Many potential careers are available to cosmetology graduates after completing school, fulfilling state requirements, and obtaining the proper licensure. More and more people choose cosmetology as their career path because of the many benefits and opportunities to be creative every day. Here are a few of the exciting career opportunities possible for a cosmetology school graduate:

Career #1: Hairstylists

Becoming a hairstylist is easily one of the most common in-demand career opportunities for a licensed cosmetologist. If you love creating relationships with clients while also creating a new look for them, then this is an excellent match for you. A hairstylist’s job entails everything that falls into the category of cutting and styling hair professionally. Being friendly and having positive customer service skills is very important in this job.

Career #2: Nail Technician

Since nailcare is a big focus in most cosmetology schools, graduates find themselves filling the nail technician role after graduation. Along with performing manicures, pedicures, and applying nail tips, nail technicians have the opportunity to create unique nail designs. Nail techs always have new products to research and new techniques to master, as with other cosmetology careers.

Career #3: Makeup Artist

People don’t realize the important part makeup plays for a performer to look good on camera or stage. Some cosmetology graduates work behind the scenes on television shows, movie sets, and in theaters. Being a makeup artist is a rewarding, fast-paced, and highly sought-after job opportunity.

Career #4: Barber

Barbering has become a fashionable and in-demand livelihood. This creative and lucrative career is now the perfect option for men and women alike, unlike when the job only appealed to men. Barbering includes many time-honored aspects of cosmetology such as traditional cuts, shaves, facial hair trimming, but also encompasses many of today’s modern trend techniques. Often, cosmetologists expand their skill set to include more knowledge on specifics of barbering and further career opportunities by pursuing a barber’s license once they’ve completed their cosmetology education.

Career #5: Cosmetology Instructor

After a few years of experience, some licensed cosmetologists want to share their knowledge to help other students get a high-quality education that leads to the perfect career. Becoming a cosmetology instructor allows you to shape the lives of students who are about to enter the workforce just like an instructor did for you. Although this cosmetologist aspect takes patience, organizational skills, and the ability to communicate well with others, if you like to make a difference and inspire students, this is an optimal career opportunity.

Career #6: Beauty Supply Company Representative

How would you like to travel around to salons, spas, beauty schools, and department stores representing a beauty industry company? A beauty supply rep works for beauty supply manufacturers and distributors in coordinating sales efforts with team members, marketing products, maintaining advertising materials, taking orders to fill shelves, and demonstrating the proper usage of products.

Completing A Cosmetology Program

The first step in becoming a cosmetologist begins with an accredited cosmetology school that offers training programs that meet state licensure requirements. Before enrolling in a cosmetology program, most states require that applicants possess a high school diploma or GED. Each state sets forth standard requirements for the hours of training and coursework needed for licensure. These hours include hands-on training coursework in haircare, skincare, makeup, and nails.

Benefits of Attending Cosmetology School

Although some students attend a four-year traditional college, a student has the same, if not better chance of employment in cosmetology with a shorter-term program, like Cosmetology School. It’s true that a degree, certificate, or diploma makes a candidate more desirable in today’s job market for successful employment. However, the benefits of attending a vocation-specific school like a cosmetology school outweigh traditional two or four-year college.

  • Instead of spending years studying, graduating students find employment in a fraction of the time.
  • Training requires a shorter period when attending cosmetology school; although the time varies depending on the school, licensing state, and specialty, it’s typically under one year.
  • There are full-time and part-time schedules available in most cosmetology schools to help fit studies around today’s busy life.
  • For those that qualify, there are plenty of financial aid assistance, including scholarships, grants, and government-backed student loans, to assists with the cost.
  • Cosmetology schools employ knowledgeable and passionate instructors with years of experience in the cosmetology trade.
  • Typically, trade programs like a cosmetology school offer lifelong career guidance.
  • Cosmetology students take industry-specific classes focused on their passions.
  • Cosmetology school offers the chance to meet and form lasting relationships with people who have the same career goals in mind.

Curriculum Covered in Cosmetology School

You will learn a lot while enrolled in cosmetology school. These are the areas where you obtain real-world, hands-on training that combines various skills in different cosmetology target areas.

Safety and Sanitation – students learn proper techniques for using beauty tools, adequate cleaning of such tools, essential maintenance of workstations, and state-specific sanitation regulations.

Hair Care, Cutting, And Styling – in the hair care, cutting, and styling curriculum, students learn to perform the basics in shampooing, haircutting, chemical treatments, and scalp treatments.

Hair Coloring – this portion of the curriculum teaches students how to safely use hair coloring, techniques related to creating highlights or lowlights, perform touch-ups, and properly apply all-over color. Students also typically receive training on which colors work best with the client’s skin color and tone.

Nail Care – the curriculum’s nail section addresses disorders and diseases of the nails, infection control, properly performing manicures and pedicures, applying acrylic tips, effective nail repair, polish techniques, and teaching clients proper home nail care.

Skin Care – these classes generally cover the history of this specialized art, skin disorders and diseases, skin types, providing facials, dermabrasion, proper skincare for distinct skin types, and even hair removal.

Related Anatomy and Physiology – these are the study of the human body structures and how they function. This helps you develop techniques used during shampooing, scalp massage, facials, pedicures, and manicures.

FAQs About Cosmetology School

If you don’t know anyone that has previously been to cosmetology school, you probably have many questions about the learning process and your options after graduation. We’ve researched some common questions you may have about cosmetology school.

Can I choose to attend school full or part-time?

Many cosmetology schools offer programs both on a full-time and part-time basis. They understand many students work other jobs, have family commitments, or are unable to study full time. Most schools offer full-time, part-time, and even night courses that earn the same qualifications but take a little longer to complete.

Do cosmetology schools offer job placement?

Although colleges are not required to have these services, most offer some job placement counseling options. Job placement is a service provided by educational institutions that help students find work after graduation and proper licensure in their chosen field. Examples of job placement include practicing interview techniques, finding externships, vocational counseling, and job leads.

Is it good practice to ask current students and graduates about their satisfaction with a cosmetology school?

If a student is happy with their school experience, the program is worth considering. Current and former students are the best resources when asking questions about a school because they understand the research, time, and energy required to choose the right school.

What does accreditation mean in a cosmetology school?

Accreditation is a formal verification a school meets standards guidelines and competent in specific conformity assessment tasks. In the case of the Cosmetology school, curriculum and course materials cover all the necessary techniques, skills, and information required to pass the state’s board exam.

Do all schools offer financial aid?

Most cosmetology school offer federal financial aid through the FAFASA program. Financial aid helps those who qualify to pay for the program through options like student loans, grants, payment plans, work-study programs, or scholarships.

Final Thoughts

Cosmetology is a trade known for assisting individuals in looking and feeling their best. Through processes like haircare, skincare, makeup application, and nail care, cosmetologists express their creativity and help their client express individuality. If you’re interested in starting your cosmetology career, then there’s no time like now to start training in a program designed to prepare you for the state cosmetology licensing process and set you on a path for success in a cosmetology career.

Ready to start your career in cosmetology? Earning your diploma in Cosmetology may be the next step in your career. Meridian College offers a Cosmetology training program in Florida that prepares you to deliver high–quality beauty and hair services to both men and women. Meridian College offers a hands–on Cosmetology training program giving you the skills you need to start an exciting career and become a leader in the beauty industry.

Contact Meridian College today to learn more about becoming a cosmetologist.