Why Offer Manicure and Pedicure Services?

Beauty is more than skin deep. Nail care services is not just about beauty, it also contributes to health and wellness. If you’re considering becoming a cosmetologist, here’s what you should know about manicure and pedicure services.


What Is a Manicure?

A manicure is an anesthetic treatment for the hands and fingernails. It includes:

  • Trimming and filing nails
  • Pushing back cuticles
  • Hand soaks and massage
  • Skin treatments
  • Nail polish removal and application

What Is a Pedicure?

Practically speaking, a pedicure is similar to a manicure but for the feet. The primary difference lies in the skin treatments. Since feet suffer greater effects from wear and tear, coarser scrubs and intense moisturizers are used to restore a soft feel.

What Should Cosmetologists Know About Manicure and Pedicure Services?

There’s much more to doing manicures and pedicures than painting nails. Cosmetologists should be familiar with these topics:


As a professional, client safety is your responsibility. Good sanitation prevents infections. Best practices include:

  • Keeping the salon clean and clutter-free
  • Regularly sanitizing workstations and equipment like pedicure tubs
  • Disinfecting shared tools from clippers to cuticle removers between clients
  • Using disposable products as often as possible
  • Frequent hand washing

Nail and Skin Assessments

Cosmetologists don’t treat nail and skin disorders, but they have to work around them. Assessing if it’s safe for clients to have a manicure or pedicure is part of the job. In a vocational school cosmetology program, you’ll learn about common skin and nail problems and when manicures and pedicures are contraindicated.

You’ll also evaluate skin and nails aesthetically, choosing the right enhancement techniques. Natural nails, for example, vary in shape and require unique approaches to look their best. And skin from dry to oily benefits from different products. Cosmetologists assess everything from skin’s condition to its color and tone, so they can select the most complementary nail colors.

The Right Tools for the Right Job

Manicurists are only as good as their tools. You’ll need a sturdy table, a comfortable chair for you and your client to sit in plus chemical products and hand tools, including:

  • Nail polish removers
  • Moisturizing lotions
  • Exfoliating scrubs
  • Cuticle oils and creams
  • Nail brush
  • Cuticle pushers and scissors
  • Nail clippers
  • Nipper
  • Nail files, emery boards and buffers
  • Bamboo sticks
  • Cotton balls
  • Tweezers
  • Foot bath or pedicure tub
  • Toe separators
  • Nail polishes
  • Lights and magnifiers
  • Brushes
  • Gel polish curing light

Nail Art

Our appearance is an expression of who we are. Nail color is a fun way for clients to express their creativity without breaking the bank. Nail art takes it to the next level by adding artistic flair from gems and glitter. Some manicurists can freehand designs, others use templates. Either way, it benefits customers who appreciate the option, and it’s a bonus for cosmetologists who earn added revenue.

The Benefits of Manicures and Pedicures for Customers

Clients feel their best when they look good, so a fresh new nail color is always inspiring. But the mani-pedi has turned into a quick and easy way to grab some quiet time between work and taking care of the kids. The benefits are far-reaching and include:

Benefit #1: Healthier Nails

Our hands and feet take a lot of abuse, but nail health typically takes a back seat to larger wellness issues. Manicures and pedicures not only provide a deep cleaning for nails, but they can help resolve issues related to dryness or excessive moisture. Regular manicures and pedicures can also curtail nail disease, in-grown nails and other nail issues that a client may suffer from. Cosmetologists aren’t medical professionals, but they see a lot of abnormal nails and can offer tips for preventive care in between appointments.

Benefit #2: Softer Skin

The skin on our hands and feet is vulnerable to hard work and harsh environmental conditions, it’s among the first places callouses and patches of dry skin erupt. The exfoliating scrubs and deep moisturizing treatments that come with manicures and pedicures encourage the growth of new skin cells. It’s among the simplest ways to keep damage in check, improve personal comfort and make skin look softer and more radiant.

Benefit #3: Improved Circulation

Massage is a proven way to improve circulation. Warm water in a hand or foot bath plus the gentle kneading and stroking of massage are not only relaxing, but they also soothe sore muscles and promote healing blood flow.

Benefit #4: Stress Relief

Nothing relieves stress like a massage, but body work can be costly and time-consuming, so it’s out of reach for many people. Manicures and pedicures include relaxing mini massages that melt away tension for a reasonable price. It’s a cost-effective way for clients to pamper themselves.

Benefit #5: Boost Confidence

Nothing boosts confidence more than a new hairstyle or freshly polished nails. For your clients that don’t want to do a complete makeover, a fresh coat of their favorite nail polish can boost their self-esteem and confidence. For most of us, wearing open toed shoes can be daunting, but with a fresh pedicure, your clients will want to show offer their feet.

Final Thoughts

The benefits of manicures and pedicures long outlast polish. They’re a healthy, relaxing, affordable way for clients to practice self-care. If you have an aptitude for beauty and a passion for wellness, you can provide these valuable services and enjoy a rewarding career as a professional cosmetologist. Manicures and pedicures can also enhance your salon’s bottom line as many clients that get their hair done will also want manicures and pedicures. Create a one stop shop for pampering and relaxation. Your clients will thank you.

Are you ready to help your clients with manicures and pedicures? Interested in earning your diploma in Cosmetology? Meridian College offers a Cosmetology training program in Florida that prepares you to deliver high–quality beauty and hair services to both men and women. Their hands–on Cosmetology training program gives you the skills you need to start an exciting career and become a leader in the beauty industry.

Contact Meridian College today to learn more about becoming a cosmetologist.