How Can I Be Successful in Cosmetology?

How do you become successful in the cosmetology industry? Cosmetologists around the country are living out their dreams. How? They are getting the professional skills and certifications needed to work in this industry. While this may look like a glamorous profession from the outside, the truth is that cosmetologists put in time and commitment before they are able to step into roles at salons, spas, and beyond. Are you wondering what it takes to build a successful career as a cosmetologist? This guide will show you some of the essential steps for reaching your career goals.

How Do I Become a Cosmetologist?

Like most skilled professionals in various industries, cosmetologists complete specialized training. They also pass examinations to qualify for licensing. Cosmetology is a highly regulated profession. While fulfilling the requirements needed to work as a cosmetologist can seem intimidating at first, you’ll soon discover that the process of becoming a licensed cosmetologist is more than worth it. Plus, the education and licensing required for this industry helps dedicate professionals by protecting the industry against incompetence.

Attending a Cosmetology Program

The path to becoming a successful cosmetologist starts by finding a cosmetology program offering the high-quality training you need to succeed in this industry. Once you’ve enrolled in a cosmetology program, the school that you attend will play a big role in helping you navigate the path to licensing. In fact, cosmetology programs guide you through the process of becoming licensed. While you’ll need to take responsibility for attending classes and studying, you can count on your program leaders to design a top-tier curriculum to build the skills needed for success in cosmetology.

Many students who enroll in cosmetology programs are interested in specialties that can help them to build niche careers. The great part about a cosmetology program is that it covers all aspects of cosmetology. That means you’ll be trained and educated in hair, skin, nails, and product education. This will enable you to take on many roles in a salon or spa setting. However, you may find that you want to complete additional training for a specialty. After graduating from your main program, you may even complete additional certifications. However, it all starts with obtaining a core cosmetology degree that allows you to sit for your state licensing exam.

What Are the Benefits of a Cosmetology Program?

In addition to being a state requirement, graduating from a cosmetology program is a rewarding experience for students. Why? It gives them the skill they need to thrive in the beauty industry. It’s true that many students show up with a deep passion and drive for styling. However, even a person with incredible natural talent may need help to prepare for salon-level services. Once enrolled in a cosmetology program, students can see all the techniques and processes used in professional salons.

Learn About Safety and Sanitation

In addition to fostering professional-level results for clients, these skills also enable professionals to create clean, safe, and sanitary environments for both clients and salon workers. This aspect of cosmetology education is important because salons and spas are heavily regulated by state and federal laws.

Hans-On Training

The hands-on training provided by a cosmetology program helps students gain real-world skills in a classroom setting. In addition to watching expert demonstrations, students will perform treatments and salon tasks. One of the most exciting aspects of attending cosmetology school is taking part in a student-run salon that offers services to real clients.

Industry Experienced Instructors

Cosmetology students work under the guidance of experienced instructors who have worked in the beauty industry for years. These instructors are highly regarded, accomplished professionals motivated to train the next batch of great cosmetologists. While cosmetology programs are heavily focused on the technical aspects of providing treatments for hair, nails, and skin, they also devote time to the business side of salon careers. Topics that include customer service, marketing, and vendor relationships will all be covered.

Career Services

Additionally, cosmetology schools provide career services that can help students to find jobs after graduation. They help with building strong resumes, interview preparation, and matching students with jobs they are passionate about.

Direct Path to Licensing

Of course, the biggest benefit of all is that a cosmetology program can be a direct path to licensing. While obtaining a cosmetology diploma, students are given the specific information they need to pass state licensing exams. It’s important to know that it is not possible to take state cosmetology exams without first obtaining a diploma.

What Skills Make a Successful Cosmetologist?

There are many factors that go into building a successful career in cosmetology. In many cases, natural talent helps to drive a hairstylist’s success. However, many of the skills that are needed to build a successful cosmetology career can only be gained by completing a cosmetology degree program at an accredited school. That’s because all cosmetologists must follow specific procedures while working in a salon or spa. Here’s a look at some soft skills that can also help to make a cosmetologist successful:

Attention to Detail: The best cosmetologists are meticulous. They take a complete approach to applying treatments that considers how every single detail will fall into place. When a hairstylist offers attention to detail, clients see the difference.

Customer Service: It’s important for cosmetologists to make all clients feel valued. Customer service starts with organized scheduling that ensures clients are not left waiting for their appointments to start. Cosmetologists should offer clear communication, friendly service, honest pricing, and a pampered experience. For hairstylists, customer loyalty is the secret to building a consistent client base.

Adaptability: Cosmetologists wear many hats. While some cosmetologists focus solely on hair, others offer full-scale spa services that cover all aspects of treating hair, skin, and nails. The ability to pivot from service to service becomes important if you’re attempting to diversify your services. Plus, even hairstylists focusing on a specific niche still need to be adaptable when serving the needs of different types of customers. On any given day, a cosmetologist may deal with a bridal party, a customer in need of “hair repair” caused by a bad DIY job, walk-in customers, last-minute cancellations, and more.

Communication: Clients are putting their trust in cosmetologists when they make appointments. The golden rule in cosmetology is that you can never assume anything. It’s important for a cosmetologist to have full clarity of a client’s expectations. Many hairstylists encourage clients to use photos for examples of how they want their results to look. Others will supply photos to confirm that they understand what a client is describing.

Additionally, it’s important to communicate during the styling process. If you need to give a client’s hair some time to sit while a treatment is being applied, be sure to explain to them exactly what’s going on before you simply walk away. Don’t leave them wondering why they are being neglected while you work with another client. It’s also important to check in with clients during treatments to make sure they feel comfortable. The simple act of offering a client some refreshments can make them feel pampered.

Active Listening: While the environment inside a salon can feel chaotic at times, it’s important to make the client feel like the only person in the salon. Active listening is a skill that all good cosmetologists have. Active listening allows you to understand the desires of your clients. It also ensures that you’re taking in feedback once work has started.

Creativity: While a big part of being a successful cosmetologist involves the able to carry out the vision of the client, this is a creative profession at its core. Creativity allows hairstylists to bring the right elements together to create flattering looks.

Stamina and Dexterity: Cosmetology is a high-endurance profession that requires you to spend long hours on your feet. For someone who despises the idea of a desk job, becoming a cosmetologist is an attractive option because it’s so easy for the day to speed by while you’re zipping from client to client. It’s also necessary to have the dexterity required to do highly detailed work while cutting hair, styling hair, or applying dye. Over time, cosmetologists often find that they develop highly advanced dexterity in their hands and arms.

Passion for Hair: Ultimately, a successful cosmetologist must be obsessed with hair. This passion is based on a fascination with the way different styles can transform how a person looks.

Final Thoughts

There are so many factors that go into making someone a successful cosmetologist. While dedication and hard work are needed to succeed in this industry, many of the best cosmetologists will tell you that work never feels like work when you’re fueled by a passion for what you do. The best way to find out if cosmetology is the right choice for you is to contact Meridian College to learn more about our cosmetology courses.

Want to Learn More?

Are you ready to enjoy the many opportunities available in cosmetology? Meridian College offers a Cosmetology training program in Florida that prepares you to deliver high–quality beauty and hair services to both men and women. Their hands–on Cosmetology training program gives you the skills you need to start an exciting career and become a leader in the beauty industry.

Contact Meridian College today to learn more about becoming a cosmetologist.