Is There a Hair School in Sarasota?

Becoming a hairstylist requires a support team. While many people are attracted to cosmetology because of the independence this field offers, the journey to becoming a hair professional can’t be done alone. The first step is finding the right hair school to support you in your journey.

Why Do You Need to Go to School to Be a Hairstylist?

While you may be drawn to cosmetology because you have a natural talent for styling or treating hair, you need more than passion for hair to start your career. Cosmetology is a heavily regulated field. Salons and other settings only permit stylists to work if they have valid state licenses. In Florida, a student must complete 1,200 school hours in a certified cosmetology program before they can apply for state licensure.

How to Find a Good Hair School in Sarasota

A “hair school” is an institution that offers cosmetology programs. When investigating your options, confirm that any school you’re considering has state accreditation. If you complete studies at an unaccredited school, your class hours won’t be considered valid by the state. That means you will not be able to sit for the state licensing exam. What’s more, employers usually only recognize education from an accredited school. So, here’s a checklist of what to look for when choosing a hair school:

Accreditation: As shared above, accreditation is the first topic to cover when reaching out to cosmetology schools. Meridian College is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education within the Florida Department of Education.

A Complete Curriculum: When looking at schools, be sure to inquire about the curriculum. You should learn about as many facets of hairstyling and care as possible. Additionally, most programs have crossover studies. These extra skills will help you to become an all-in-one expert capable of offering services related to hair, skin, and nails.

Hands-on Training: Cosmetology school is a practical learning experience. While students will need to attend lectures, they will spend a large portion of their school time learning through hands-on instruction.

Quality Instructors: The goal is to work with industry professionals with years of experience working at, managing, or owning salons. Professors at cosmetology schools are true mentors who are eager to pass on their knowledge to the up-and-coming generation of beauty experts.

Small Class Sizes: Nobody wants to feel like they’re lost in a crowd in a large classroom. Smaller class sizes allow for personal attention from instructors. You’ll also have more opportunities to ask questions.

Career Services: While this is one of the most overlooked aspects of selecting a hair school, it’s extremely important. Ask any school that you’re considering about their career services for current students and graduates. In many cases, schools have relationships with local salons that increase a recent graduate’s chances of being hired.

Reputation: Do your research on what past and current students think about a program before making a commitment.

Class Hours and Options: If you’ll be attending cosmetology school while managing work or homelife duties, it’s important to find a program that offers a little bit of flexibility regarding classes. Many programs allow students to enroll on a part-time basis.

A respected and reputable school will be forthcoming about these details. When you contact a school, request a tour to look at the learning environment. You should also ask about graduation rates, where graduates often work following program completion, and the credentials of instructors.

What Do You Learn During Hair School?

Cosmetology programs are highly technical. While the emphasis is on becoming a capable and competent hairstylist, the truth is that a trained and licensed stylist plays the role of chemist, product specialist, artisan, and customer confidant. As part of your education, you’ll learn how products interact with other products to create desirable results. You’ll also learn how products interact with hair and skin. Here’s a list of the skills taught in a cosmetology program for future hairdressers:

  • Haircutting
  • Hairstyling
  • Coloring and highlighting
  • Perms
  • Facials
  • Chemical waving
  • Scalp treatments
  • Proper shampooing and rinsing techniques
  • Manicure and pedicure techniques

Hairstylists provide services for a wide variety of hair types. They also provide tailored hair services that appeal to the needs of both men and women. Aside from learning about the technical aspects of cutting and treating hair, future hairstylists are also thoroughly trained in safety and hygiene practices. As a result, they can offer safe and hygienic care that protects both employees and clients. They also learn to follow all state laws and regulations regarding the handling of chemicals.

Most cosmetology schools also provide some business training. Hairstylists are truly entrepreneurs by nature. While some will go on to open their own salons or establish beauty lines, the ones who choose to work at salons will still be carefully cultivating their own dedicated client lists. Hair school often covers aspects of salon marketing, customer service, vendor management, and other parts of successfully running a salon in Sarasota.

There’s a Great Demand for Licensed Hairstylists

Hair is a hot market to be in. In fact, the entire cosmetology industry is experiencing growth. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has the demand for cosmetologists growing 11 percent through 2031. This is an enduring industry because people are willing to invest money in looking and feeling their best. For people who prioritize looking good, making an investment in professional hairstyling and salon services is a priority. Even the average person still sees paying for professional hair services as a worthy investment because it offers convenience and professionalism they just can’t get from at-home hair care.

Who Can Enroll in Cosmetology School?

While rules vary by state, Florida requires cosmetology school enrollees to either be at least 16 years of age or already have a high school diploma/GED. After enrolling, most students complete their degrees in 12 to 24 months. To apply for licensure by examination, students must complete a total of 1,200 school hours at an accredited cosmetology school.

There’s no prerequisite required to attend cosmetology school. In fact, you only need passion for hair to start attending hair school. Of course, any kind of experience that you do bring to the classroom will only help you to succeed in your journey.

Some students enroll directly after high school because they know exactly what they want to do in their careers. Other students come to cosmetology school after working in other industries for several years. It’s very common for people to be drawn to this career after discovering that a “desk job” or corporate life just isn’t for them.

They may also crave creativity, human interactions, and the ability to create a flexible work-life balance that comes from being a licensed hairstylist. Of course, some people who enroll in hair school have an ambition to own their own salon or beauty brand one day. It’s important to note that a cosmetology license is needed to open your own salon even if you intend to employ other people to cut and style hair, while you manage the business side of things.

Final Thoughts

Are you curious about what enrolling in hair school could mean for your future? The first step is simply getting more information about a program’s curriculum. Learn more about how to enroll in hair school in Sarasota today.

Want to Learn More?

Did you enjoy learning about hair schools in Sarasota? You might be a natural cosmetologist. Meridian College offers a Cosmetology training program that prepares you to deliver high–quality beauty and hair services to both men and women. Their hands–on Cosmetology training program gives you the skills you need to start an exciting career and become a leader in the beauty industry.

Contact Meridian College today to learn more about becoming a cosmetologist.